time: 4:30pm
weather: 39 F, drizzly rain
trail: woodchip and mud
baggage: toddler in covered running stroller, golden retriever on leash, cheese sticks ( for toddler), clean up bags (for dog), water bottle ( for me, toddler, dog), 110 extra pounds.
This was the first "run"/walk after surgery. 30 minutes of alternating 1 minute of slow running with 4 minutes of fast walking. It took me most of the day to get around to doing it. However, 5 months post surgery, there was no pain and it felt like floating a lot of the time. It was great to use my lungs for more than coughing!
The crescent moon came out next to a star in a sky stained purple at the edges from a brilliant pink sunset. I kept running in the last interval, rather than slowing to a walk. My daughter climbed out of her stroller and we left it behind. She held my hand and we ran together. The dog only tripped over or got wrapped up in his leash a half dozen times and the husband seemed glad to be out walking.
It was a good day.
Limited Roster
1 day ago
You started on my birthday. I shall take it as a present. Thanks, Di
Happy Birthday, Di!
I hope it was a great one for you.
Have a wonderful New Year.
You so do NOT have 110 extra pounds, Shaay woman! And if you lose 110 pounds, I'll still hug you, while loudly proclaiming, "You are a bony, bony woman," in a Scottish accent.
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